Teaching Preschoolers Colors Through Art | The Blue Elephant

Colorful Learning: Teaching Preschoolers About Colors Through Art

When it comes to education, The Blue Elephant Learning Center is all about creativity! Engaging in creative activities makes it easier for preschoolers to absorb new information in a way that feels natural, fun, and empowering. Art can spark curiosity and involve multiple senses in preschoolers, turning what could be a dull lesson into an exciting opportunity for knowledge. 

When teaching preschoolers about colors, we believe in going beyond mundane memorization by introducing color in a way that delights their developing brains while simultaneously improving motor skills, sensory awareness, and self-confidence. 

Exploring color through art allows for independent exploration with a chance to spark curiosity and creativity. When kids are having fun, it’s easier to extend lessons beyond the confines of the classroom. Keep reading for fun, hands-on activities for preschoolers that incorporate art and quality time while teaching children about colors! 

The Benefits Of Using Art To Teach Colors

Our Blue Elephant Learning Center team makes it a point to integrate art projects into our preschool curriculum, promoting learning through play. A powerful tool for early childhood education, art provides a sensory experience that spans multiple senses. Children will naturally absorb information through their own creative expression, not only learning about colors organically but developing other skills at the same time. 

  • Color Recognition: By participating in artsy activities, kids will learn to identify and differentiate between colors. 
  • Fine Motor Skills: Painting, drawing, and gluing, oh my! These common creative practices will strengthen hand-eye coordination as they refine their skills. 
  • Cognitive Development: As children get more comfortable expressing their creativity, they’ll start to experiment with the tools they’re given. This will lead to a greater understanding of color concepts such as mixing, matching, and discovering how to create new colors. 
  • Emotional Expression: Art can provide a safe outlet to express creative, interests, and emotions.  

Simple Art Activities To Teach Colors To Preschoolers 

The beautiful thing about creativity and education is that they can exist anywhere! Every moment is an opportunity to learn something new, but it’s even better with some fun mixed in. The following art activities are a great way to spend quality time with your child while boosting their creativity and feeding their brain! 

H3: Who Needs A Brush When You Have A Finger?

(Supplies Needed: Washable, non-toxic paint in various colors / Sheets of white paper)

It’s time for some good old-fashioned finger painting! Allow your preschooler a little bit of contained messiness by letting them dip their fingers into the paint and creating a masterpiece of their choosing on the provided paper. Start with primary colors – red, yellow, green, and blue—and encourage them to find out what happens when the colors mix together. Make it a game by having them guess what each combination will create. This activity teaches color mixing, improves fine motor control, and provides sensory exploration. 

Somewhere Over The Rainbow Collage

(Supplies Needed: Various scraps of different colored paper, fabric, magazines, etc. / paper / glue)

To begin, have your child sort the items provided into piles by color. Go over the colors of the rainbow and ask them to create a rainbow on their paper using the colored scraps. This activity will teach color recognition, sorting and encourage creative thinking. 

Seal It, Mix It, Squish It

(Supplies Needed: Plastic Ziplock bag / Paint in two different primary colors)

Add two different colors of paint into a ziplock bag and then make sure it’s sealed. Let your kid move, mix and squish the colors around with their hands from outside the bag. They’ll get a front-row—and mess-free—seat to what happens when certain colors mix together. This sensory-friendly activity is a fun way to engage multiple senses while learning about mixing colors. 

Let Nature Be Your Guide 

(Supplies Needed: Items from nature / Washable non-toxic paints / White paper)

This activity takes you outside in nature! Go on a short nature walk in a safe area and encourage your child to collect various leaves, flowers, rocks, sticks, and so on. Bring their collection back home and let the fun begin. Provide the paper and paints, and let them use their outdoor findings as their paintbrushes! This activity provides a variety of options for creativity:

  • Use the items as paintbrushes, discussing how the different textures bring different looks
  • Paint one side of a leaf or rock and use it as a stamp
  • Incorporate the objects into the art by adding them to the painting in any way they dream up

This activity connects art with nature, helps with color identification and sensory observation, and requires imagination. 

Embrace Creative Learning at The Blue Elephant Learning Center in Frisco, Texas 

While these activities revolve around color, they each come with many other benefits. Art plays an important role in child development by improving focus, independence, self-esteem, communication, fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and more. The Blue Elephant Learning Center has one mission and strongly believes in the importance of nurturing growth through a healthy balance of creativity, play, exploration, and structured learning. 

To give your child the best start, contact The Blue Elephant by giving us a call at 469.287.0332 or sending an email to [email protected] today for more information or to learn more about the benefits of enrolling in one of our daycare programs from infancy through toddlerhood to school age, through a nurturing, supportive environment filled with engaging curriculum and positive reinforcement. 

We’re confident your child will be ready for school with the skills they need, a sense of confidence, and a creative spirit! Join our family for a remarkable preschool experience. Schedule your tour today.