Choosing a daycare program for your infant is more important than most parents realize. Generally, parents think that daycare for infants is just feeding, sleeping and diaper changes and daycare teachers in infant rooms are just babysitters. In the case of The Blue Elephant Learning Center, nothing could be further from the truth. This learning center in Frisco is so much more for infants.
Babies need to interact with each other and with the adults in the room. They learn how to talk and respond to the world around them when they interact with other babies and adults. The teachers in this learning center focus on creating situations where babies have time to “talk” to other babies and adults.
As children grow up and become adults, they forget that play is an essential part of learning. They forget that play is vital to one’s emotional well-being, too. The teachers in our center know that playtime is crucial to your baby’s development and spend hours playing with the babies and getting the babies to play with each other. (Yes, babies can play with each other when laying on the mats or blankets close to one another!)
Babies learn a lot through sensory exploration. The teachers here create a curriculum of learning utilizing many different kinds of safe sensory experiences involving sound, taste, touch, and sight. Small motor and large motor skills are integrated into these sensory experiences too.
The ongoing assumption that you don’t need to tour a daycare center for an infant is an unpleasant one. You absolutely should tour daycare centers for your baby to find one with an excellent program. Our infant program at The Blue Elephant Learning Center in Frisco has so much to offer that you really need to see it before enrolling. Contact the center to set up a guided tour and ask questions about the care of your little one.